Weekly Newsletter

The Universe Drops Perfectly Aligned People into our Lives

The Universe drops perfectly aligned humans directly into my life.

I see evidence of it EVERYWHERE.

> I’ve never had to put up a “We’re Hiring” sign, but have hired over 20+ team members over the years.

> My clients are happy and their sales growing. They pay my on time every month.

> My kiddos are happy and well balanced, respectful teenagers, and have lots of people supporting them.

> My 2+ year trainer plopped into my life out of the blue at a meal delivery company.

> Even while dating on Tinder, I had incredible matches and developed several friendships along the way. Each human took amazing care of me. (Zero creepers 😂)

> I’ve had 2 decade-long marriages that supported me in the perfect ways I needed them.

> I’m in a beautiful partnership now, giving me exactly what I need to grow into the next version of me.

📣Why am I telling you all of this?📣

I’d like to challenge you to believe that you are also being delivered exactly what is perfectly aligned for you.

Stop fighting and questioning every damn thing that is delivered to you.

You’ve heard about the man on the roof during a big flood, asking God to send him help, yet he refuses every lifeboat, every helicopter, every intervention sent his way?

💫 Pay attention this week to what gets served up to and for you.

💫 Pay attention to the signs Spirit is sending you to show you the patch to alignment.

All of this is supposed to feel easy.

If it feels hard instead, set it down, walk away, and try a different path.