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Step 4: Understand How to Start Item and Vendor Set Up

Step #4: Understand How to Start Item and Vendor Set Up

For Walmart this process used to take months. I was just on a call this morning with a Walmart pharmacy team and was told it can now be as fast as 24 hours. It’s still quite cumbersome and there are numerous steps to take in the vendor and item creation process to reach out and get help, especially the first time. 

I offer a course, The Path to Walmart, that walks my students through every step of the set up process so they don’t miss out on meeting a very important modular drop date.

For Amazon you’ll create an account in Seller Central (just grab your EIN# and this should be an easy process). Then you’ll begin adding items and content.

For a full guide on how to successfully sell into Amazon grab a seat in my course, The “A” Game.

Join the Free Retail Success Facebook group now: http://bit.ly/retail-success-mastermind

In what ways does your ICA like to be marketed to?

Does your ideal customer like to be influenced by TV commercials, or social media ads, cookied and re-pinged with their favorite leopard heels, or from your favorite influencer?
We’re all swayed in some way by marketing. It’s important to identify WHO your ICA is, then the best way to effectively market to them.